Fall 2024 - Summer 2025

Students generally book a time-slot and commit to regular lessons from Sept. 9 to June 30 at a rate of $94/ hour. I’m also offering a ten-lesson introductory/trial package that includes 2 one hour lessons and eight 45 minute lessons for $680.

Lesson payments for regular schedule students are made at the first lesson, either as a lump sum or as
10 equal cheques, each dated the first day of each month from September to June. The total amount will vary depending on which day of the week your lessons fall on and how many (from 36 to 40) lessons work out for that day. I have added the option of paying with cryptocurrencies; contact me for specifics if this appeals to you!



(36* lessons)

SATURDAYS (38 lessons)

(39 lessons)

tues.,wed. & Thurs.
(40 lessons)


1/2 Hour Lessons

$1,692 or 10 X $169.20

$1,786 or 10 X $178.60

$1,833 or 10X $183.30

$1,880 or 10 X $188


45 Minute Lessons

$2,538 or 10 X $253.80


$2,679 or 10 x $267.90

$2,749.50 / 10X$274.95

$2,820 or 10 X $282


1 Hour Lessons



$3,384 or 10X$338.40

$3,572 or 10 x $357.20

$3,666 or 10 X $366.60

$3,760 or 10 X $376





Lessons begin on September 9 and end on June 30. I’ve listed the dates when students will not have lessons, arranged by the day of the week upon which their lessons fall. This year I will not be teaching during the Easter long weekend (including Saturday April 19) but I will be teaching through the EPSB “Spring Break”.  If you know in advance of any dates that won't work for you (traveling during Spring Break, for example) that you can tell me about before September, we can either plan for a make-up time for that/those lesson(s) or reduce the number of lessons you are paying for.

  • Monday students start on Sept. 9, finish on June 30 and have no lessons on Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 23 & 30, Feb. 17, April 21 and May 19.

  • Tuesday students start on Sept. 10, finish on June 24 and have no lessons on Dec. 24 & 31.

  • Wednesday students start on Sept. 11, end June 25 and have no lessons on Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.

  • Thursday students start on Sept. 12, end on June 26 and have no lessons on Dec. 26 & Jan. 2. Note that Halloween falls on a Thursday and there will be no lessons after 6:00 pm that day; you may choose to have a make-up lesson near that date or go with only 39 lessons.

  • Friday students start on Sept. 13, finish on June 27 and have no lessons on Dec. 27, Jan. 3 and April 18.

  • Saturday students start on Sept. 14, finish on June 28 and have no lessons on Dec. 21 & 28, Jan. 4, and April 19.



I do not guarantee make-up lessons for students who cannot attend their usual lesson time. If you know you will be unable to attend your lesson at your usual time, please give me as much warning as possible both out of courtesy to me and to increase the likelihood of us being able to arrange for a make-up lesson (if requested). If I am unable to teach a lesson at the regular time (for example, when performing commitments conflict with private teaching), I will either arrange a make-up lesson or refund the money for that lesson.

Scent-Free Drum Zone!

Perfumes, colognes and other scents to which the wearer may be accustomed can irritate and even cause severe reactions in others. I would greatly appreciate if students would help me make my teaching studio (and our home) a scent-free space for my family and other students. Thank you!

E-mail List For Upcoming performances:

I send out information about gigs I’m involved in (usually the week they happen) to interested people using my “gig list”. If you’re interested, let me know at dan@skakundrums.ca and I’ll add your email address to the list.

In The Neighbourhood...

If you are looking for musical instruction on other instruments I would suggest:

  1. Terry McDade (780-435-3366, harpe@telusplanet.net) who lives a few doors down form us and teaches both guitar and harp, and;

  2. Henry Mokken (780-421-4273, hmokken@shaw.ca) who lives next to Terry and teaches piano.

If you have questions about any of this information please contact me at 780-436-5024 or dan@skakundrums.ca.